Thursday, April 28, 2011

and I thought nothing important happens in india on fridays

I was just setteling in for the night and thought, what the heck, I'll check the courts in Chandigarh to see if they have any big plans for tomorrow. yeah right.  Friday seem to be a "non day" in the world of international adoption. we rarely hear any news fridays.  the day doesnt seem to really exist most time in the order of "news".   But, not this friday. Tomorrow, in India our case goes in front of a judge.  tomorrow, half way around the world, a stranger may determine our fate.  We made it to the Causelist, or case list from what I can tell.

I almost scrolled my tired eyes right by it.  Anyways, what does all this mean?  Well I'm not really sure. But to me, I feel like Madonna on the list to go to Dr Phil's Birthday Party.   Totally unexpected. Totally rad.
Dear universe, please allow our case to go smoothly. Let the social worker be on time, the paperwork be complete.  Please, let Judge Ms Preeti Sahni see us as fit and worthy parents. Let this case move forward.  Neha baby, were coming for you soon.

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