Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I did it!

Despite being terribly intimidated by anything having to do with computer programming, I did it, I set up a blog. Tee hee, say the old time bloggers that I have been following for months. Hooray say my tired eyes fueled by the adrenaline of my first post. I prepare myself and anyone that may read this, I do not know what I'm doing. I may try to make it look cool and have awesome gadgets, but the truth is I am only doing this for my 3 foot wonder half way around the world.

I give you this connection to our daughter as a sort of bridging point. I want everyone special to me to know Neha before she comes. I want all questions and awkwardness regarding International Adoption to be enlightened. I hope for nothing more than our third daughter to come home safely to a circle of friends and family that have anxiously awaited her arrival. People that have joined us on our journey in support and love for our little girl, Neha.

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