Hello my dearest, you are even more radiant that I expected. We received news sunday night that we have your official court papers and your passport has been filed for by the orphanage. Estimated time on the passport is 10 days to 10 weeks. what? yes that is the word from the agency. yikes. Well we are hoping for the standard 10 days but would not be surprised with the exception to the rule.
In addition to the passport we must also wait on ICPC. This step takes about 2-3 weeks. That I can handle! We believe that we will be with you the week after christmas. If anyone has any influence over this it would be greatly appreciated if it were to be true. Ganesha, God, Passport office guy.... Who ever you are, you know who you are, and we would really like this to go our way.
I am honored to have this beautiful girl named as my child. I am so thrilled to think of being near you. I love you Neha, my daughter.
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