Friday, December 9, 2011

ICPC, yippie yo kayea!

We have passed our 15th of 16 totally long excruciating steps in our adoption. Today we were alerted that our case has passed ICPC.  Just one step stands between us and our daughter now.  I have to admit, I can't wipe the shi* eating grin off my face.  I am truly glowing.   I feel the happiest brightest light shinning around me.

On a side note, does anyone know how to post pictures on blogger from the iPad?  It gives me the option of posting a pic, then it won't let me choose a file to upload, the option is greyed out.  Any advice would be very appreciated.

We have had our last vaccinations, we have our travelers diarrhea meds on order. We are moving towards and Indian New Year, and I can't sit still.  Thank you Ganesha, please grant us our Neha's passport in a timely manner. We would so dearly appreciate it.  Lets get this girl home.


  1. Awesome. I am so happy for you. That is awesome. :) I hope your adoption keeps moving along. We should have our cuties in noo time. :) Thank goodness. :)

  2. We used blogpress, a free app, I think. It lets you blog and get photos all in one for your ipad.

    So excited and thrilled that everything is falling into place!
