Thursday, December 29, 2011

And we are off!

A little tired, a little nervous, but gosh darn it, we have been waiting for this day for more than 2 years.  Lucy
Is and absolute trooper. I adore her and am so glad she will make this journey with us.  We woke this morning at 4 am. We are waiting for our flight to Chicago. Mike and I keep looking at each other is disbelief. 
We have had a some communication with a new friend that just picked up her daughter in Chandigarh.  She informed me that she hugged our girl and told her her parents were coming.  Neha is anxiously awaiting her mama and papa to come pick her up.   (I guess mike is papa for awhile)
Please protect us on our journey, please prepare us all for change.  Let our hearts be open to each other, and India make us many memories.  Que Sera Sera. 
Like Charlotte would say 2 more sleeps and we meet sweet Neha.  
By the way, I already miss Charlotte so much my throat hurts.