Tuesday, December 20, 2011

9 days and counting

We have tickets, we have a gotcha day!  I seriously cannot believe this will really happen.  We leave the US, Thursday December 29th. We travel for 22 total hours. We arrive in our Neha's home town of Chandigarh India the night of the 30th.  Just blocks away from our dear sweet Neha, we will wait anxiously until the 2nd to meet her. I cannot wipe this grin off my face.  I think I have new mom written across my forehead. Here we come.
please give Neha the strength to be happy, the endurance to shine, and the ability to love us.  we have already loved her for so long. Let her accept our hugs and relish in all of her new adventures.  Please dear universe let her heart not break from change, and her body not cower with fear.  
My lovely Neha, I am so proud to be your mommy and truley honored to have you in our family. We love you. We are coming soon!


  1. So excited for you! What an amazing Christmas present! Are you going to post from India? I hope so! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. That is so awesome. :) Congratulations. My prayers are with you. :)

  3. Thrilled beyond words for your growing family. Wise words too...the change for her could be full of anxiousness but you sound beyond ready to handle it. Now, go get your girl :)


  4. Awesome. So happy for you all. Can't wait to see pics.

  5. I am so thrilled for you there are no words!!!! I want to hear every detail! Bon boyage, safe travels, and enjoy every moment! Love, Emily
