ready for school, unfortunately Neha is not going to school yet, but the other girls are, ..... What a conundrum......
Dress up, what a concept for a child that has never worn clothes for fun or leisure. The first night was a disaster. Why would Neha think that clothes were meant to be tried on and worn for fun other than necessity? She wouldn't. Why would she possibly comprehend that clothes could be temporary, changed and exchanged based on mood? She wouldn't, yet again. Second night, a whole different story.
I will summarize in this moment of rare reflection...... Three kids is a lot, an odd number, one that makes things just slightly off kilter. However, life is starting to fit into place. Relationships amongst sisters are beginning to be aligned. Moods are stabilizing. Families that have dreamed of each other for many years have become whole. Feelings of loss and unhappiness have been resolved. There is so much work to be done, preparation, security, and simple self reassurance in a world that you (Neha) have never known. Me, mommy, momma, and mom, I will be here. To see you through. To see you be you. You are doing it. Without even trying. My mission now seems even more real. Mission to Neha, not just retrieving her. But seeing what in fact she will become, what she is made of. What is really Neha.....?
it is quite a never ending journey! :) can't wait to meet up!
Oh how I totally get this. The journey AFTER the journey has begun.
So very true Erica. Watching Asha's personality emerge was truly amazing. How wonderful for Neha to have a mommy to be her secure base while she explore the world and herself.