Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chaos in laundry, dance diva, first snow, floor party

What the hell I did to deserve the curse of a diaper in the washer I do not know. As if I was thrilled to have to commit to at least one load of laundry a day in the first place. Perhaps it was the ease of my life at that time that just really asked for something horrible to happen to me.  Maybe it was the universe punishing me for feeling defeated at that moment in motherhood.  I don't know what it was but it was a punishment for sure.  It took me almost an hour to deal with the first impression of the damage: thousands of pee pee polomers dispersed quite heavily over a load of Lucy and Neha's darks. It was later after the dryer that I noticed the half a thousand other polomers didn't just disappear in the dryer, they turned onto white lint and stuck all over every item in the load.  I spent another hour and  half having to "sweater shave" all of Lucy's jeggings and Neha's long sleeved shirts.  It just kept on giving.  

Although not really coordinated in navigating real life ( ie playgrounds with able children running or kicking balls to and fro) Neha is an wonderful,capable, interpretive and engaging dancer.  She twirls, Bollywood hip shakes, and tells a complete story with her hands in motion while dancing.  She asks for dancing, she loves dresses with twirl ability, she enjoys working her sister Lucy into her routine.  I would love to know how dancing existed in Neha's life.  I would really like to help her hold onto it

What can I say she insists on buttoning herself.  Charlotte and Neha couldn't wait to get outside and start licking everything.  
Who me, I didn't make this mess? Snow days encourage messes, forts, faux camp outs, picnics, floor parties. You know. Crap everywhere.
Everyone was invited. Bella Guta, hati, and pig.  Translation, big bear, elephant and pig. Of course Charlie has her manegere , pup pup, Pluto, Minnie, zebra, and many pink blankies.

1 comment:

  1. Agh! diaper...yuck. And I thought the millions of tiny fibers in a brown paper lunch sack were bad.

    A snow day...heaven!

