Thursday, November 22, 2012

For those of you that think I might have driven the car into the swimming pool....

........I didn't........
And I still really like being a mom. 

So, in honor of Thanksgiving , and in honor of our newest daughter Neha, the one that was a source of many cried tears of yearning and many worries of her well being just one short year ago.  I want to share a little Thanksgiving prayer, one that was written and dictated by Neha to her dear sweet teacher Ms Krupa.  I want to share her innocence and her purity. Her language skills and her abilities to express herself.  I send wonderful holiday wishes to all that may read this.  
This summary of what Neha is thankful for brought tears to her teachers eyes. She said, "it was so sweet it just warmed her heart"

Neha's thankful list :
Neha is thankful for the chicken she ate at home, her mom and dad, and the baby brother-Oliver .  For flowers she had at school today. She is thankful that dad goes to his work and Charlotte goes to her school.  She is also thankful about Lucy going to her school and she goes to jump rope.  She is thankful for her blankey, bed and her bedroom. She is thankful for Ganesha. 

( and yes, if you caught that, there is a baby brother in the works) 
Divine intervention and a higher being had everything to do with this new development in our lives. 
More on this later.  Today, I plan to be nothing but thankful.  
Mike and I have worked so hard for this family and we will continue to do so.  We feel content and o so appreciative for everything in our lives. 
Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Friend. I'm glad you are hanging in there. :) Congratulations on your news. Looking forward to hearing more. :) Take care.

  2. i really want to know why you stopped blogging
